Soon, the Defender and Stargate machines will be out of the garage and into the upstairs Rock Band Infinity room. Then, there will be NO excuses!
999,975 x 2 |
Over the weekend, I went to my 25th (OMG) high school reunion, where I reconnected with one of my good friends from the neighborhood, Keith Matejowsky. He and I used to play ALL DAY on a 2-player game, until we just got tired of it. There is no way to calculate the number of hours, days, and weeks we logged into that game.
We used to have contests to see if we could pop a million on our first ship. And we both won.
Keith reminded me that the best number in the universe was 999,975. And he's right. :)
The other people that had to put up with me in school |
Class of 1985. God, we're old and it's only getting worse.